Terms and Conditions


The following Terms and Conditions govern use of the Gui He Tang website and provision of services.

Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully before contracting any Gui He Tang service.

The materials and information on our website are provided to assist clients to understand some of the history and practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine.  The website information is of a general nature.  Treatments and prescriptions should not be used without reference to a trained TCM practitioner.

Gui He Tang practitioners provide presenting clients with specific advice on the requirements and expectations of treatment for each presenting ailment.

From this understanding Gui He Tang clients can make fully informed decisions on their health care.

Gui He Tang clients are required to acknowledge their understanding of the natural limitations of Gui He Tang service by signing the following declaration prior to commencing a treatment program with a practitioner.

“I understand that there are some risks with any form of care. I have discussed my health and treatment risks with my practitioner, have been given the opportunity to ask questions and satisfied with the answers. I understand that I can choose to cease care at any time. Having discussed and understood the program of care outlined for me, I grant permission for care to proceed.”

Message from the Director of Gui He Tang…

“I hope you find the GuiHeTang.com.au website useful as a reference point to understand your options in managing your health care and that we may be of service to guide your efforts and provide prescriptions to assist you to achieve good health.”

Janet Siu Fong Tsang,  July 2013